recruitment strategies
Other than advertising, have you thought of other methods? Be prepared to expand beyond this, especially if you are trying to reach groups of resources who have not been reached through your traditional recruiting techniques. Dependent on the needs, other strategies that include initial foreign transfer of technology and succession planning may take place. Effective recruiting is to fully understand the type of resources you need and what skills and knowledge your resources need to succeed at your business. Skills are those abilities needed to perform the job while knowledge is what the resource needs to know to perform the job.

With PM Resources' customised assessment tool, Emotional Quality Profiling (EQP), we could capture the behavioural reaction of an individual to different situations. It describes the individual’s basic self, behaviour under pressure and behaviour under authority. This description is derived from the following four behavioural traits:
- Use of power
- Social interaction
- Organisation of work
- Adherence to details
EQP is used to assess an experienced resource in terms of how and when he / she:
- Best performs the job
- Can be motivated to achieve goals
- May need help to better perform the job
- May pose challenge to management and team members
- May be provoked to dissatisfaction
It is important at this point that you think beyond the traditional resource groups from which you have always hired. With an ever shrinking market and with an increasingly competitive economic environment, you need to draw resources in from outside your traditional pools.