mandarin for business

As China and countries where Mandarin Chinese is dominant, are growing into economic powerhouses, business–related Mandarin Chinese is fast becoming a language that is essential to enhance and sustain organisations’ competitive advantage in doing business.

At PM Resources, our aim is to turn intangible learning effort into tangible results. Your employees will not only acquire an additional language, but they will also enjoy the process of learning and will benefit from what they learnt. We recognise that Mandarin Chinese is not a spectator sport. Therefore, we do not believe anyone will benefit by just sitting in class listening, memorising grammatical patterns, doing drill exercises and spotting out answers. They must talk about what they are learning, relate it to past experiences, apply it to their daily lives and business, and make the language as part of living. To achieve this, we not only bring a native speaking Mandarin Consultant to you, we also adopt the active learning approach, which helps you to achieve more than just knowing the language.